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Senin, 25 Juni 2018

What is concussion? - Queensland Brain Institute - University of ...
src: qbi.uq.edu.au

Concussion , also known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is usually defined as a head injury that temporarily affects brain function. Symptoms may include headaches, problems with the mind, memory or concentration, nausea, opaque vision, sleep disturbances, or mood swings. Some symptoms can start immediately, while others may appear several days after the injury. Less than 10% of sports-related concussions among children are associated with loss of consciousness. Not uncommon symptoms last up to four weeks.

Common causes include motor vehicle crashes, falls, sports injuries, and bicycle accidents. Risk factors include drinking alcohol. This mechanism may involve a direct blow to the head or strength elsewhere on the body that is transmitted to the head. It is believed to result in neuron dysfunction because there is an increased need for glucose but insufficient blood supply. Diagnosis requires less than 30 minutes of loss of consciousness, memory loss of less than 24 hours, and a Glasgow coma scale score of 13 to 15. Otherwise, it is considered a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury.

Efforts to prevent conditions include the use of helmets when cycling or motorcycles. Treatment generally involves a physical and cognitive break for a day or two with a gradual return of activity. Long periods of rest can worsen outcomes. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) or NSAIDs may be recommended. Physiotherapy may be useful for persistent balance problems while cognitive behavioral therapy may be useful for mood swings. Evidence to support the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and chiropractic therapy is lacking.

The concussion is thought to affect more than 6 per 1,000 people per year. This is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. Men and young adults are most commonly affected. Results are generally good. Another concussion before the previous concussion symptoms have been resolved is associated with poor outcomes. Recurrent concussions may also increase the risk later in life from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, Parkinson's disease, or depression.

Video Concussion

Signs and symptoms

A concussion is associated with a variety of symptoms, which usually occur quickly after an injury. The initial symptoms usually subside within a few days or weeks. The number and type of symptoms that a person suffers varies greatly.


Headache is the most common symptom of mTBI. Others include dizziness, vomiting, nausea, lack of motor coordination, difficulty balancing, or other problems with movement or sensation. Visual symptoms include light sensitivity, viewing bright light, blurred vision, and double vision. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ear, is also frequently reported. In one in about seventy concussions, conjunctive seizures occur, but the seizures that occur during or immediately after concussion are not "post-traumatic seizures"; and, unlike post-traumatic seizures, are not predictive of post-traumatic epilepsy, which require some a form of structural brain damage, not just a momentary disturbance in normal brain function. The conusive convus is thought to be the result of temporary or inhibitory loss of motor function and is not associated either with epilepsy or with more serious structural damage. They are not associated with a particular sequelae and have the same high yield levels as concussions without seizures.

Cognitive and emotional

Cognitive symptoms include confusion, disorientation, and difficulty focusing attention. Loss of consciousness can occur, but not always correlated with the harshness of concussions if short. Post-traumatic amnesia, in which events after injury can not be remembered, is characteristic of a concussion. Confusion, another sign of concussion, may be present soon or may develop for several minutes. One can repeat the same question, being slow to respond to a question or direction, having a blank stare, or having an obscure or unclear speech. Other MTBI symptoms include changes in sleep patterns and difficulties with reason, concentration, and daily activities.

Brain curiosity can cause mood changes including curiosity, loss of interest in activity or favorite items, congestion, and displaying emotions that are incompatible with the situation. Common symptoms of children suffering from concussion include anxiety, fatigue, and irritability.

Maps Concussion


The brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which protects it from mild trauma. The more severe impact, or the power associated with rapid acceleration, may not be absorbed by this bearing. A concussion can be caused by a collision force, in which the head is attacked or beaten by something, or an impulsive force, in which the head moves without itself suffering from blunt trauma (eg, when the chest is about something and the head is locked forward).

The forces may cause linear movement, rotation, or brain angle or a combination of the two. In a rotational motion, the head revolves around its center of gravity and in an angled motion, it changes into the axis, not through its center of gravity. The number of rotational forces is considered to be a major component in the concussion and its severity. Studies with athletes have shown that the amount of strength and location of the impact is not always correlated with the severity of concussion or its symptoms, and there has been a questionable threshold for concussions previously thought to be around 70-75Ã, g .

The parts of the brain that are most affected by the rotational forces are the midbrain and the diencephalon. It is thought that the strength of the injury disrupts normal cellular activity in the reticular activation system located in this area and this disorder produces a loss of consciousness that is often seen in concussions. Other areas of the brain that may be affected include the top of the brainstem, fornix, corpus callosum, temporal lobe, and frontal lobes. The acceleration angle 4600, 5900, or 7900 rad/s 2 is estimated to have 25, 50, or 80% MTBI risk.


Both in animals and humans, MTBI can change brain physiology for hours and years, by moving pathological events. As an example, in animal models, after an initial increase in glucose metabolism, there is a subsequent decrease in metabolic status that can last up to four weeks after injury. Although these events are thought to impair the functioning of the nerves and the brain, metabolic processes that follow concussions can be recovered in most of the affected brain cells; However, some cells may die after injury.

Included in cascade events that are released in the brain by concussions are neurotransmission disorders, loss of ion regulation, deregulation of energy use and cell metabolism, and decreased cerebral blood flow. Excitatory neurotransmitters, chemicals such as glutamate that act to stimulate nerve cells, are released in excessive amounts. The resulting cellular excitement causes the neurons to overheat. It creates imbalance of ions such as potassium and calcium across neuron cell membranes (processes such as excitotoxicity).

At the same time, cerebral blood flow is relative less due to unknown reasons, although the decrease in blood flow is not as severe as ischemia. So the cells get less glucose than they usually do, which causes an "energy crisis".

Along with this process, mitochondrial activity can be reduced, which causes cells to rely on anaerobic metabolism to generate energy, increasing lactate levels of byproducts.

For several minutes to several days after concussion, the brain is particularly susceptible to changes in intracranial pressure, blood flow, and anoxia. According to research done on animals (which do not always apply to humans), large numbers of neurons can die during this period in response to small and harmless changes in the bloodstream.

A concussion involves a diffuse brain injury (as opposed to focal), which means that dysfunction occurs in large areas of the brain rather than in certain places. It is considered a lighter type of diffuse axonal injury, because an axon can be injured to a small extent due to stretching. Research on animals in which riveted rodents have revealed lifelong neuropathological consequences such as continuous axonal degeneration and inflammation of neuroin in subcortical white matter. Axonal damage has been found in the brains of concussed people who died from other causes, but inadequate blood flow to the brain due to other injuries may have contributed. Findings from a study of the brain of a deceased NFL athlete who received a concussion showed that lasting damage was done by the injury. This damage, the increased severity with the sustained number of cumulative concussions, can cause other health problems.

The debate over whether a concussion is a functional or structural phenomenon is in progress. Structural damage has been found in the brains of traumatized trauma animals, but it is unclear whether these findings will apply to humans. Such brain structural changes can be responsible for certain symptoms such as visual impairment, but other set of symptoms, especially psychological ones, are more likely to be caused by reversible pathophysiological changes in cellular function that occur after concussions, such as changes in the biochemistry of neurons. This reversible change can also explain why dysfunction is often temporary. A head injury task force called the Concussion In Sport Group met in 2001 and decided that "concussions can lead to neuropathological changes but acute clinical symptoms largely reflect functional disorders rather than structural injuries."

In summary, and extrapolation from animal studies, the pathology of concussion seems to begin with a disruption of cell membranes of nerve cells. This results in the migration of potassium from within cells into extracellular space with subsequent glutamate releases that potentiate further potassium shifts, in turn resulting in depolarization and suppression of neural activity. In an effort to restore the ion balance, the sodium-potassium pump increases activity, which results in excessive consumption of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and glucose utilization. Lactate accumulates but, paradoxically, cerebral blood flow decreases, leading to a proposed "energy crisis". After this increase in glucose metabolism, there is a subsequent lower metabolic state that can last up to 4 weeks after injury. A completely separate pathway involves a large amount of calcium accumulating in the cell, which can damage oxidative metabolism and initiate a further biochemical pathway that results in cell death. Again, these two major pathways have been established from animal studies and the extent to which they apply to humans remains somewhat unclear.

Teenage concussion linked to later risk of MS
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com


The head trauma receptor was initially assessed to exclude more severe emergencies such as intracranial hemorrhage. These include "ABC" (respiratory, respiratory, circulatory) and cervical spine stabilization that is assumed to be injured in athletes found unconscious after head or neck injury. Indications that screening for more serious injuries are needed including worsening of symptoms such as headaches, persistent vomiting, increased disorientation or worsening awareness, seizures, and unequal pupil size. Those with such symptoms, or those at higher risk of more serious brain injury, can undergo brain imaging to detect lesions and are often observed for 24-48 hours. Brain CT or brain MRI should be avoided unless there are progressive neurologic symptoms, focal neurologic findings, or skull fracture fears during testing.

The diagnosis of MTBI is based on physical and neurological examination findings, duration of unconsciousness (usually less than 30 minutes) and post-traumatic amnesia (PTA, usually less than 24 hours), and Glasgow Coma Scale (patients with MTBI score 13 to 15). Neuropsychological tests exist to measure cognitive function and international consensus meetings in Zurich recommend the use of SCAT2 tests. Such tests may be given hours, days, or weeks after an injury, or at different times to indicate any inclination. Increasingly, athletes are also being pre-season tested to provide a basis for comparison in the event of injury, although this can not reduce the risk or re-affect play.

If the Glasgow Coma Scale is less than 15 at two hours or less than 14 at any time, CT is recommended. In addition, CT scans are more likely to be done if after-out observation is not guaranteed or poisoning is present, there is an alleged increase in the risk of bleeding, age over 60, or less than 16. Most concussions, without complications, can not be detected with MRI or CT scan. However, changes have been reported on MRI and SPECT imaging in those with concussions and normal CT scans, and post-concussion syndrome can be associated with abnormalities seen in SPECT and PET scans. Mild head injury may or may not result in abnormal EEG readings. Blood tests known as Brain Trauma Indicators are approved in the United States by 2018 and may be able to overrule the risk of intracranial hemorrhage and thus the need for CT scans.

Concussions may be under-diagnosed for lack of very striking signs and symptoms while athletes can minimize their injuries to stay in competition. A retrospective survey in 2005 showed that more than 88% of concussions were not recognized.

Diagnosis can be complicated because concussions share symptoms with other conditions. For example, post-concussion symptoms such as cognitive problems can be mis-categorized into brain injury when, in fact, due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


There is no single definition of concussion, mild head injury, or mild traumatic brain injury that is universally accepted. In 2001, concussion experts at the Sport Group of the first International Symposium on Concussion Brain defined the concussion as "a complex pathophysiological process that affects the brain, caused by traumatic biomechanical forces." It was agreed that concussions typically involve interference while neurological functional self-healing in time, and that neuroimaging usually does not show rough structural changes to the brain as a result of the condition.

However, although no structural brain damage occurs according to the classical definition, some researchers have included injuries in which structural damage has occurred and the definition of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence includes physiological or physical disorders in brain synapses. Also, by definition, concussions have historically involved loss of consciousness. However, definitions have evolved over time to include changes in consciousness, such as amnesia, despite the continuing controversy over whether the definition should include only the injuries in which the loss of consciousness occurs. This debate reappears in some of the most famous scorching scales, where episodes involving loss of consciousness are judged to be more severe than those that do not.

The definition of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) was not consistent until the International Statistical Classification of Organizational Diseases and Health Problems Related to WHO (ICD-10) provided a consistent and authoritative definition in various specializations in 1992. Since then, organizations such as the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Psychiatric Association in his book Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder have defined MTBI using some combination of loss of consciousness (LOC), post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), and Glasgow Scale Coma (GCS).

Concussions are under mild TBI classification, but it is unclear if concussion is implied in mild brain injury or minor head injury. "MTBI" and "concussion" are often treated as synonyms in the medical literature but other injuries such as intracranial hemorrhage (eg intra-axial hematoma, epidural hematoma, and subdural hematoma) are not always excluded in MTBI or mild head injury, as they are in concussion. MTBI associated with abnormal neuroimaging can be considered "complicated MTBI". "Concussion" can be considered to imply a state in which temporary brain function is impaired and "MTBI" implies a pathophysiological state, but in practice, some researchers and doctors distinguish between terms. Description of the condition, including the severity and area of ​​the brain affected, is now used more often than "concussion" in clinical neurology.

Grading System

At least 41 systems measure the severity, or level, minor head injuries, and there is little agreement about which is best. In an effort to simplify, the 2nd International Conference on the Concussion in Sport, meeting in Prague in 2004, decided that this system should be abandoned for 'simple' or 'elaborate' classification. However, the 2008 meeting in Zurich left a simple versus complex terminology, although the participants agreed to retain the concept that most (80-90%) had concussions in a short time (7-10 days) and although the recovery timeframe may be longer in the child children and teenagers.

In the past, the decision to allow athletes to return to participation is often based on the level of concussion. However, current research and recommendations by professional organizations including the National Athletic Trainers' Association recommend not to use such a scoring system. Currently, injured athletes are banned from playing before they are symptom-free during rest and energy and until the results of neuropsychological tests have returned to pre-injury levels.

Three assessment systems have been most widely followed: by Robert Cantu, Colorado Medical Society, and the American Academy of Neurology. Each employs three classes, as summarized in the following table:

What is a Concussion? | Concussion-U
src: concussionu.files.wordpress.com


MTBI prevention involves common actions such as wearing a seat belt and using an air bag in the car. Older people are encouraged to reduce the risk of falling by keeping the floor free of clutter and wearing thin, flat shoes, with hard soles that do not disturb the balance.

Protective equipment such as headgear has been found to reduce the number of concussions in athletes and improvements in helmet design can reduce the amount and severity further. The new "Head Impact Telemetry System" technology is placed in the helmet to study the mechanisms of injury and can generate knowledge that potentially helps reduce the risk of concussion among American Football players. The number of self-reported concussions among U-20s and elite rugby union players in Ireland is 45-48%. Half of these injuries were not reported. Changes to rules or enforcing existing rules in sports, such as those against "heads overhead," or "stabbing," which is associated with high injury rates, can also prevent concussions.

Heads Up: The truth on #concussions | New Orleans Health and ...
src: media2.fdncms.com


After exclusion of neck injury, observation should be continued for several hours. If repeated vomiting, worsening headaches, dizziness, seizure activity, excessive sleepiness, double vision, slurred speech, unstable walking, or weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, or signs of developing basilar skull fractures, an immediate assessment in the department emergency is justified. After this initial period has passed, there is a debate whether it is necessary to wake people up several times during the first night, as traditionally done, or whether there is a benefit over uninterrupted sleep.

Physical and cognitive rest should be continued until all symptoms have been resolved with most (80-90%) concussions lost within seven to ten days, although recovery time may be longer in children and adolescents. Cognitive breaks include reducing activities that require concentration and attention such as schoolwork, video games, and text messaging. It has been suggested that even casual reading can usually worsen symptoms in children and adolescents and proposals include break times from school and attend partial days. Because students may appear 'normal', continuing education from relevant school personnel may be necessary.

Those with concussions are generally prescribed rest, including adequate night's sleep as well as daytime rest. Breaks include physical and cognitive rest until symptoms are apparent and gradually return to normal activity at a rate not causing worsening symptoms is recommended. Education about symptoms, their management, and their normal time, can lead to better results.

For people participating in athletics, the 2008 Zurich Consensus Statement on Sport in Conference recommended that participants be symptomatic before restarting and then progress through a series of graded steps. These steps include:

  • complete physical and cognitive break
  • light aerobic activity (less than 70% of maximum heart rate)
  • sports-specific activities like running a workout and skating practice
  • non-contact exercise training (exercise, coordination, and cognitive load)
  • full contact practices
  • complete contact game.

Only when symptoms are free for 24 hours should development to the next step occur. If symptoms appear, the person should return to the previous asymptomatic level for at least 24 hours. The emphasis is on remaining free symptom and carrying it in intermediate steps, not on the steps themselves.

Drugs may be prescribed to treat sleep problems and depression. Analgesics such as ibuprofen can be taken for headache, but paracetamol (acetaminophen) is preferred to minimize the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. The person with the concussion is advised not to use alcohol or other drugs that have not been approved by the doctor because it can inhibit healing. Base-driven EEG-based biofeedback activation has been proven to restore the memory capabilities of individuals with concussions to a better level than the control group.

About one percent of people receiving treatment for MTBI require surgery for brain injury. Observations to monitor worsening conditions are an important part of treatment. Healthcare providers recommend that those suffering concussions for further medical care and evaluation 24 to 72 hours after the incidence of concussions if symptoms worsen. Athletes, especially between colleges or professionals, are usually followed by athletic team coaches during this period but others may not have access to this level of health care and can be sent home with minimal monitoring.

People may be released after assessment from a hospital or emergency room for the care of a trusted person with instructions to return if they show symptoms that worsen or that may indicate a condition that arises such as consciousness change, seizures, severe headaches, weakness of the extremities, vomiting , new bleeding or deafness in one or both ears.

Concussion Management | Concussion-U
src: concussionu.files.wordpress.com


People who experience a concussion appear more susceptible to others, especially if a new injury occurs before symptoms of a previous concussion are completely lost. This is also a negative process if a smaller impact causes the same severity of symptoms. Recurrent concussions may increase a person's future risk for dementia, Parkinson's disease, and depression.

MTBI has a virtually zero death rate. The symptoms of most concussions heal within a few weeks, but problems can continue. It's rarely permanent, and the results are usually exceptional. The overall prognosis for recovery may be influenced by a range of factors including age at the time of injury, intellectual ability, family environment, social support system, employment status, coping strategies, and financial circumstances. People over the age of 55 require more time to recover from MTBI or fully recover. Similarly, factors such as previous head injuries or joint medical conditions have been found to predict post-concussion symptoms of long-lasting concussions. Other factors that can extend recovery time after MTBI include psychological problems such as substance abuse or clinical depression, poor health before injury or additional sustained injuries during that time, and life stress. A longer period of amnesia or loss of consciousness immediately after an injury may indicate a longer recovery time from residual symptoms. For unknown reasons, having one concussion significantly increases a person's risk of having another. Having previously concussed sports has been found to be a powerful factor raising the possibility of future concussions. Other strong factors include participation in contact sports and body mass size. The prognosis may differ between adults and children who are concussions; little research has been done on concussions in pediatric populations, but there are concerns that severe concussions may impair brain development in children.

A 2009 study found that individuals with a history of concussions may show a decline in physical and mental performance for more than 30 years. Compared to their peers without a history of brain trauma, concussion sufferers exhibit effects including episodic memory loss and reduced muscle velocity.

In post-concussion syndrome, symptoms do not heal for weeks, months, or years after concussion, and sometimes become permanent. About 10% to 20% of people develop post-concussion syndrome for more than a month. Symptoms may include headache, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, memory and attention issues, sleep problems, and irritability. There is no established treatment, and rest, recommended recovery techniques, have limited effectiveness. Symptoms usually go away by itself in a few months but may last for years. The question of whether this syndrome is caused by structural damage or other factors such as psychological, or a combination of these, has long been a matter of debate.

Cumulative effect

The cumulative effect of concussion is poorly understood, especially effects on children. The severity of the concussion and its symptoms may worsen with successive injuries, even if subsequent injuries occur months or years after the initial injury. Symptoms may be more severe and changes in neurophysiology may occur with a third and subsequent concussions. The study has had conflicting findings on whether athletes have longer recovery times after recurrent concussions and whether cumulative effects such as disorders in cognition and memory occur.

Cumulative effects may include psychiatric disorders and long-term memory loss. For example, the risk of developing clinical depression has been found to be significantly greater for retired American football players with a history of three or more concussions than for those without a history of concussion. Three or more concussions were also associated with a five-fold greater likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease earlier and three times more likely to develop a memory deficit.


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or "CTE", is an example of cumulative damage that can occur as a result of multiple concussions or a less severe blow to the head. This condition was previously referred to as "dementia pugilistica", or "drunken blow" syndrome, as was first noted in boxers. This disease can cause cognitive and physical disabilities such as parkinsonism, speech and memory problems, slow mental processes, tremor, depression, and inappropriate behavior. It shares features with Alzheimer's disease.

second impact syndrome

The second induced syndrome, in which the brain swells dangerously after a minor blow, can occur in very rare cases. This condition can develop in people who receive a second blow day or week after the initial concussion before symptoms disappear. Nothing is certain the cause of these complications is often fatal, but it is generally thought that swelling occurs because the brain arterioles lose the ability to regulate their diameter, causing a loss of control over the blood flow of the brain. When the brain swells, rapid intracranial pressure rises. The brain may experience herniation, and the brain stem can fail within five minutes. Except in boxing, all cases have occurred in athletes under the age of 20 years. Because the number of cases documented is very small, the diagnosis is controversial, and there is doubt about its validity. A 2010 Pediatrics 2010 article suggests there is debate as to whether brain swelling is caused by two separate blows or just one blow, but in both cases, catastrophic football injuries are three times more likely in high school. athletes than at college athletes.

src: www.familyvisioncare.org


Most cases of traumatic brain injury are concussions. A World Health Organization study (WHO) estimates that between 70 and 90% of head injuries receive mild care. However, as it is not reported and with varying definitions of concussions and MTBI, it is difficult to estimate how common this condition is. Estimates of concussions can be artificially low, for example, because they are not reported. At least 25% of MTBI patients fail to be assessed by medical professionals. The WHO group reviewed the study of MTBI epidemiology and found hospital treatment rates 1-3 per 1,000 people, but since not all concussions were hospitalized, they estimated that the annual rate in the general population was over 6 per 1000 people.

Young children have the highest rate of concussion among all age groups. However, most people who suffer from concussions are young adults. A study in Canada found that the incidence of MTBI each year was lower in the older age group (graph on the right). Studies show men suffer from MTBI about double their female counterparts' levels. However, female athletes may be at higher risk of suffering a concussion than their male counterparts.

Up to five percent of sports injuries are concussions. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 300,000 sports-related concussions occur every year in the US, but that number only includes athletes who lose consciousness. Because loss of consciousness is thought to occur in less than 10% of concussions, CDC estimates are likely to be lower than actual figures. Exercises in which concussions are very common include soccer and boxing (a boxer aims to "paralyze", ie delivering a mild traumatic brain injury to, the opponent). The injury is so common in the latter that some medical groups have called for a ban on sports, including the American Academy of Neurology, the World Medical Association, and medical associations from Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada.

Due to the lack of a consistent definition, the economic cost of MTBI is unknown, but is estimated to be very high. This high cost is partly due to the large percentage of hospital admissions for head injuries caused by minor head trauma, but indirect costs such as lost work time and early retirement accounts for most of the cost. These direct and indirect costs cause the cost of a mild brain trauma to rival a moderate and severe head injury.

How Concussions are Affecting Athletes Today - Performance Health ...
src: blog.performancehealthacademy.com


The Hippocratic Corpus, a collection of medical works from ancient Greece, mentions a concussion, which is then translated into commodity cerebri and discusses the loss of speech, hearing and vision that can result from "brain clamor". This idea of ​​mental dysfunction with "trembling of the brain" remained a widely accepted understanding of concussions until the nineteenth century. The Persian Doctor Muhammad ibn Zakar? Yes R? Zi was the first to write about a concussion different from other types of head injuries in the 10th century. He may be the first to use the term "concussion", and the definition of the condition, temporary loss of function without physical damage, set the stage for a medical understanding of conditions for centuries. In the 13th century, Lanfranc doctors from Milan Chiurgia Magna described the concussion as a "fray" of the brain, also recognizing the difference between concussion and other types of traumatic brain injury (though many of his contemporaries did), and discusses the symptoms of post-concussion transient symptoms as a result of temporary loss of function from injury. In the 14th century, surgeon Guy de Chauliac showed a relatively good conception prognosis compared to more severe types of head trauma such as skull fractures and penetrating head trauma. In the 16th century, the term "concussion" began to be used, and symptoms like confusion, lethargy, and memory problems were described. The 16th-century doctor Ambroise ParÃÆ'Â © uses the term commotio cerebri , as well as "trembling the brain", "fray", and "concussion".

Until the seventeenth century, concussions were usually described by its clinical features, but after the invention of the microscope, more doctors began exploring the underlying physical and structural mechanisms. However, the view prevailing in the 17th century was that the injury was not the result of physical damage, and this view continued to be widely held throughout the 18th century. The word "concussion" was used at the time to describe a state of unconsciousness and other functional problems resulting from impact, rather than physiological conditions.

In 1839, Guillaume Dupuytren described the brain contusions, involving many small bleedings, such as and showing the difference between the unconsciousness associated with brain parenchymal damage and due to concussion, without such injury. In 1941, experiments on animals showed that no macroscopic damage occurred in concussions.

Concussions - Brock International
src: www.brockusa.com

Society and culture


The term mild brain injury, mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), mild head injury (MHI), and concussion may be used interchangeably; although the term "concussion" is still used in interchangeable sports literature with "MHI" or "MTBI", general clinical medical literature uses "MTBI" instead, since the 2003 CDC report outlines it as an important strategy. In this article, "concussions" and "MTBI" are used interchangeably.

The term is derived from the Latin concutere which means "shake violently" or concussus meaning "joint stunt action".

New concussion guidelines updated to eliminate one key component ...
src: 3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net


Minocycline, lithium, and N-acetylcysteine ​​show a temporary success in animal models.

Predictive visual tracing measurements are being studied as a screening technique for identifying mild traumatic brain injury. The head-mounted display unit with eye-tracking capability indicates the object is moving in prediction pattern for the person to follow with their eyes. People without brain injury will be able to track moving objects with smooth pursue motions and correct trajectories while it is hypothesized that those with mild traumatic brain injury can not.

Cindy's Story: Concussions in Soccer - Childress Institute
src: saveinjuredkids.org

See also

  • Concussion in American football
  • Concussion on Rugby Union
  • Head injury criteria
  • Removal of helmet (sport)

NYIT Center for Sports Medicine Hosts Concussion Conference | Box ...
src: www.nyit.edu


Concussion | Utah | IASIS: Centers of Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
src: utahorthopediccenters.com

External links

  • "Facts about Concussion and Brain Injury and Places of Welfare" US Disease Control and Prevention Center
  • "Concussion in High School Sports" US Disease Control and Prevention Center

Source of the article : Wikipedia
