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Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

Mole (animal) - Wikipedia
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Moles are small mammals adapted to underground lifestyles (ie, fossils). They have a cylindrical body; velvet fur; very small ears and eyes, not attracting attention; reduce hindlimbs; and short, powerful forelimbs with large claws adapted for digging. The term "mole" is specifically and most appropriately used for the true "mole" of the Talpidae family in the order of Eulipotyphla found in most of North America, Asia, and Europe; although it may also refer to other unrelated mammals in Australia and southern Africa that have also developed a mole body plan. This term does not apply to all nagging; eg desmans and mice are different from the general definition of "mole".

Video Mole (animal)


In Central England, moles are known as moldwarp . The phrase "do not make a mountain from the mole hill" - exaggerates the problem - first recorded in the Tudor period. In the era of Early Modern English, moles were also known in English as moldywarp , words that have other Germanic cognates such as German ( Maulwurf ), and languages Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland ( muldvarp , mullvad , moldvarpa ), where the muld/mull/mold of the word means land and part varp/vad/varpa means throwing, then "throwing people" or "tosser shit".

Male rats are called "wild pigs", females are called "mother of pigs". A group of rats called "laborers".

Maps Mole (animal)


Underground breathing

Moles have been found to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide than other mammals, because their blood cells have a special form of hemoglobin, which has a higher affinity for oxygen than other forms. In addition, rats use oxygen more effectively by reusing the exhaled air, and as a result, can survive in low-oxygen environments such as underground burrows.

Extra thumb

Moles have polydactyl shoots; each having an additional thumb (also known as a prepollex) in addition to the usual thumbs. While other mole digits have multiple joints, the prepollex has a crescent-shaped single bone that develops later and differs from the other fingers during the embryogenesis of the altered sesamoid bone at the wrist, independently evolved but similar to a giant panda's thumb. This supernumerary digits are specific to the species, because they are absent in mice, the closest relatives of moles. Androgenic steroids are known to affect growth and bone formation, and a connection is possible between the specific nature of this species and the male "male" apparatus in the female mole of many types of moles (gonads with testicular tissue and ovaries).

Star-nosed Mole - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


The mole diet consists primarily of earthworms and other small invertebrates found in the soil, and various nuts. Mole runs in the fact of a "worm trap", the mole's senses when the worm falls into the tunnel and quickly runs to kill and eat it. Because their saliva contains toxins that can paralyze earthworms, rats are able to keep living prey for later consumption. They built a special underground "larder" for this purpose only; researchers have found this kind of storage with over a thousand earthworms in it. Before eating earthworms, the rats pulled them out between claws squeezed to force the soil and dirt accumulated out of the worm's intestines.

A star-nosed mole can detect, capture, and eat food faster than the eye can follow.

1-5 What is a Mole? | Smrt English
src: smrtenglish.com.s3.amazonaws.com


The mating season for mole depends on the species but generally from February to May. Men looking for women by letting high-pitched cries and tunneling through foreign areas.

The gestation period of the Eastern (North America) mole (Scalopus aquaticus) is about 42 days. Three to five young people are born, especially in March and early April.

Townsend mice rats in February and March, and 2-4 young are born in March and April after a gestation period of about 1 month. The Townsend mole is endangered in the United States and Canada.

Beach mars produce 2-5 litter children between March and April.

Pups leave the nest 30-45 days after birth to discover their own territory.

Mole Animal Stock Photos & Mole Animal Stock Images - Alamy
src: c8.alamy.com

Social structure

Moles are solitary creatures, who come together only to mate. Areas may overlap, but moles avoid each other and men can fight hard if they meet.

Dead Moles in little dresses « RENATURED
src: www.o-matic.com


The Talpidae family contains all the true moles and some of their close relatives. Desmans, the Talpidae but usually not called "moles", is not shown below, but belongs to the subpregnant Talpinae (note slightly different names). The species called "mango rats" represent a transitional form between rats and their ancestors, and thus may not be fully explained by the article.

On the other hand, there is no monophyletic relationship between moles and hedgehogs, both of which were previously placed on insectivores that are now abandoned. As a result, Soricomorpha ("mouse-like animals" including moles), formerly inside Insectivora, has risen to the level of order.

  • Scalopinae Subfamily: New World Mole
    • Tribe Condylurini Mole star-nosed (North America)
      • Genus Condylura : Star-nosed (single species)
    • Tribe Scalopini New World Mouse
      • Genus Parascalops : Hairy tailed rat (northeastern North America)
      • Genus Scalopus : East Pole (North America)
      • Genus Scapanulus : Gansu mole (Chinese)
      • Genus Scapanus : North American North Rat (three species)
  • Old World Molus The Talpinae sub-families, desmans (not shown), and spruce mice
    • Tribe Talpini: Old World Mol
      • Genus Euroscaptor : Six Asian species
      • Genus Mogera Nine species from Japan, Korea, and East China
      • Genus Parascaptor : white-tailed mole, south Asia
      • Genus Scaptochirus : Short-faced mouse, China
      • Genus Talpa Ten species, Europe and West Asia
    • Tribe Scaptonychini A long-tailed rat
      • Genus Scaptonyx : Long-tailed rat (China and Myanmar)
    • The Urotrichini: Japanese mole rats
      • The genus Dymecodon : True's shrew mole
      • Genus Urotrichus : Japanese mouse rat
    • New World Neurotrichini Tribe criticizes rats
      • Genus Neurotrichus : Mice poking (American rat mouse, northwest US pacific, southwest British Columbia)
  • Uropsilinae subfamily: Asian mouse-like rat, (Chinese mouse rat)
    • Genus Uropsilus Four species in China, Bhutan and Myanmar

Naked mole-rat | Smithsonian's National Zoo
src: nationalzoo.si.edu

Others "moles"

While many groups of excavating animals (pink fairy armadillos, tucos-tucos, mole rats, mole crickets, and mole crabs) have developed close physical similarity to moles because of convergent evolution, two of them are very similar to actual moles, they are generally called and are regarded as "moles" in common English, although they are totally unrelated to true moles or to each other. This is a gold mole in southern Africa and Australian marsupial mice. Although it is difficult to distinguish from one another, they are very easily distinguished from true moles with spongy patches on their noses, which they use together with their shortened toes to swim through sandy soil.

Golden gold

The golden shoot has the same branch in the tree of life as a tenrec, called Tenrecomorpha, which in turn comes from the main branch of a placental mammal called Afrosoricida. This means that they share a common ancestor that is closer to the existing afrosoricids such as elephants, manatees, and aardvarks than they do with other placental mammals, such as the true Talpidae mole.

    • Suborder Tenrecomorpha
      • The Tenrecidae family: tenrecs, 34 species in 10 genera
    • Arrange Chrysochloridea
      • Chrysochloridae Family
        • Chrysochlorinae subfamily
          • Genus Carpitalpa
            • Arends' golden mole ( Carpitalpa arendsi )
          • Genus Chlorotalpa
            • Duthie golden mole ( Chlorotalpa duthieae )
            • Sclater golden lips ( Chlorotalpa sclateri )
          • Genus Chrysochloris
            • Subgenus Chrysochloris
              • Cape golden mole ( Chrysochloris asiatica )
              • Visagie gold dung ( Chrysochloris visagiei )
            • Subgenus Kilimatalpa
              • Stuhlmann's golden mole ( Chrysochloris stuhlmanni )
          • Genus Chrysospalax
            • giant gold mole ( Chrysospalax trevelyani )
            • Rough golden mice ( Chrysospalax villosus )
          • Genus Cryptochloris
            • De Winton golden mole ( Cryptochloris wintoni )
            • Van Zyl gold mice ( Cryptochloris zyli )
          • Genus Eremitalpa
            • Grant's gold eye ( Eremitalpa granti )
        • Amblysominae subfamily
          • Genus Amblysomus
            • Fynbos golden mole ( Amblysomus corriae )
            • Hottentot golden mole ( Amblysomus hottentotus )
            • Marley golden mole ( Amblysomus marleyi )
            • A strong golden mole ( Amblysomus robustus )
            • Highveld golden mole ( Amblysomus septentrionalis )
          • Genus Calcochloris
            • Subgenus Huetia
              • Congo gold mole ( Calcochloris leucorhinus )
            • Subgenus Calcochloris
              • Yellow gold mole ( Calcochloris obtusirostris )
            • Subgenus incertae sedis
              • Somali golden mole ( Calcochloris tytonis )
          • Genus Neamblysomus
            • Juliana golden mole ( Neamblysomus julianae )
            • Gold Gunning golden eye ( Neamblysomus gunningi )

Marsupial mole

As a marsupial, this mole is even further associated with the actual Talpidae mole rather than the golden mole, both of which are from eutheria, or placental mammals. This means that they are more closely related to existing Australian marsupials such as kangaroos or koalas, and even to lower levels for American marsupials, such as opossum, rather than those to placental mammals, such as goldfish or Talpidae.

Mammalian Class

  • Subclass Prototheria : monotremes: echidnas and platypus
  • Subclass Theriiformes : life-giving mammals and their prehistoric relatives
    • Infraclass Holotheria: modern breastfeeding animals and their prehistoric relatives
      • Supercohort Theria: a living mammal
        • Marsupialia cohort: marsupials
          • Ameridelphia Magnets: New World marsupials
            • Message Didelphimorphia (opossums)
            • Paucituberculata message (move squirrel)
          • Australian supermarket marsupial superorder
            • Messages Dasyuromorphia Tasmanian devils, numbats
            • Messages Peramelemorphia Bilbies and bandicoots
            • Message Diprotodontia Koala, wombat, diprotodon, possum, cuscus, sugar glider, kangaroo, and more
            • The Marsupial Notoryctemorphia Rats and an extinct marsupial family
              • Family Notoryctidae Underwent marsupial genera and marsupial genes of extinct mammals
                • Genus Notory Only marsupial mole genes with existing species
                  • Species Notometric typhlops , south marsupial mole
                  • Species Notoryctes caurinus , nort marsupial mole

The Eastern Mole - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Interactions with humans


The rat fur has a velvety texture that is not found on surface animals. Animals living on the surface tend to have longer hair with natural tendency to nap to lie in a certain direction, but to facilitate their lifestyle of digging, the mole hair is very short and very dense and has no specific direction for napping. This makes it easier for rats to move back underground, because their feathers are not "brushed the wrong way". The skin is very soft and supple. Queen Alexandra, wife of Edward VII of the British Empire, ordered the feather garment to start fashion that would create a demand for molten fur, thus transforming what became a serious pest problem in Scotland into a profitable industry for the country. Hundreds of sea urchins were cut into rectangles and sewn together. The natural color is taupe, (derived from the French noun taupe meaning mole) but it is easy to dyed any color.

Pest status

Moles are considered agricultural pests in some countries, while in other countries, such as Germany, they are a protected species, but can be killed with permission. Problems referred to as caused by the mole include silage contamination with soil particles, making it unpleasant for livestock, grassland cover with fresh soil reducing size and yield, agricultural machinery damage by exposure to rocks, damage to young plants through soil disturbance, weed invasion from grassland through exposure of newly cultivated soils, and damage to drainage systems and waterways. Other species such as weasels and rats can use mole tunnels to gain access to enclosed areas or plant roots.

Moles dug and lifted molehills, killing the grass. They can damage the roots of plants, indirectly causing damage or death. Moles do not eat plant roots.

Moles are controlled by traps such as rat catchers, smoke bombs, and toxins such as calcium carbide. Strychnine is also used for this purpose in the past. The most common method now is Phostoxin or Talunex tablets. They contain aluminum phosphide and are fed into a mole tunnel, where they turn into phosphine gas (not confused with phosgene gas). Recently, high-grade nitrogen gas has been shown to be effective in killing moles, with the added advantage of not having an environmental pollution effect.

Other common defense measures include cat feces and blood food, to ward off a mole, or to suck its burrow. The device is also sold to trap the mole in its burrow, when one sees a "mole hill" move and therefore knows where the animal is, and then stabs it. Human traps that capture life's mole so that it can be transported elsewhere is also an option.

However, in many gardens, the damage caused by the mole to the grass is mostly visual, and it is also possible to simply remove the soil from the mound as it appears, leaving their permanent gallery for moles to continue their existence underground. However, when the tunnels are near the surface, they collapse when the soil is soft after heavy rains and leaves unsightly wrinkles in the yard.


William Buckland, known for eating every animal he could, argued that the molasses tasted nasty.

Facts About the Star-nosed Mole That Will Totally Blow You Away
src: pixfeeds.com

See also

  • Molehill
  • Moleskin
  • Molecatcher

Mole HD Desktop Wallpapers | 7wallpapers.net
src: 7wallpapers.net


Troll Mole - Bad hair day | 102307 - Oct. 23 is National Mol… | Flickr
src: c1.staticflickr.com

External links

  • DEFRA Paper The British government controls the European mole
  • List of Traditional British Molecatchers

Source of the article : Wikipedia
