The second season of the FX Damage legal drama series aired on January 7, 2009 and ends on April 1, 2009. It consists of thirteen episodes, bringing the total to 26. Damage was created by Todd and Glenn Kessler's sisters along with Daniel Zelman, who each served as executive producer and donated seven scripts for the season, including premier and finale.
The second season, like the first, follows two different time lines. The main timeline follows Patty, Ellen, and Tom as the company rises against an energy company that has been involved in unethical practices. A former Patty lover, Daniel Purcell (William Hurt), takes the matter to his attention, but then mysteriously returns, leaving Patty up against UNR CEO Walter Kendrick (John Doman) and his fierce lawyer Claire Maddox (Marcia Gay Harden). Meanwhile, Ellen works with the FBI to bring down Patty, while also seeking revenge on Arthur Frobisher for the alleged role in the death of her fiancee. Ellen does not realize that Patty is suspicious of her, and that Frobisher's criminal connection appears to extend to her new friend Wes (Timothy Olyphant).
The second timeline occurred six months later, when Ellen met an unknown person in a hotel room, and then appeared to shoot them.
Video Damages (season 2)
Transmisi dan karakter
Pemeran utama
- Glenn Close sebagai Patty Hewes (13 episode)
- Rose Byrne sebagai Ellen Parsons (13 episode)
- Tate Donovan sebagai Thomas Shayes (12 episode)
- Anastasia Griffith sebagai Katie Connor (7 episode)
- Marcia Gay Harden sebagai Claire Maddox (7 episode)
- Timothy Olyphant sebagai Wes Krulik (9 episode)
- Ted Danson sebagai Arthur Frobisher (5 episode)
- William Hurt sebagai Daniel Purcell (10 episode)
Recurring cast
Maps Damages (season 2)
FX updated the series for the second season that began airing in January 2009. It was originally scheduled to begin airing during the summer of 2008, but because the Guild Strike Writ, it was pushed back, produced with production for season 2 begins just 11 months after the inaugural series on FX.
Awards and nominations
For the second season, Damage was nominated for seven Emmy Primetime nominations at the 2009 PrimeTime Emmy Awards, with Glenn Close receiving a second Emmy nomination for Best Actress in a Drama Series. Ted Danson also received another nomination, for Extraordinary Guest Actor in the Drama Series. Rose Byrne earned her first Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in Drama Series and William Hurt was nominated for an Extraordinary Supporting Actor in the Drama Series. The series was again nominated for the direction and the show itself was nominated again for the Exceptional Drama Series. On September 20, 2009, the event won its fourth Emmy Award when Glenn Close won the Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama Series.
The series earned three nominations at the 67th Golden Globe Awards, including Close for Best Actress, and Byrne and Hurt for their supporting roles.
Critical review
The second season of Damage was greeted with very high praise, and it yielded 81 out of 100 based on 18 reviews on the Metacritic website, which qualifies as "universal recognition".
External links
- Official website
- List of Damage episodes on IMDb
- List of Damage episodes on
Source of the article : Wikipedia